class route#

class route#

Provides the way to create routes.


A path and a method and a handler for serving the route must be specified for construction. And users can optionally bind it with state s and middleware s.

Public Static Functions

template<basic_fixed_string Path, typename Handler>
static inline auto handle(http::verb method, Handler &&handler)#

Create a new route with specific method.

template<basic_fixed_string Path, typename Handler>
static inline auto any(Handler &&handler)#

Create a new route with any method.

template<basic_fixed_string Path, typename Handler>
static inline auto get(Handler &&handler)#

Create a new route with GET method.

template<basic_fixed_string Path, typename Handler>
static inline auto post(Handler &&handler)#

Create a new route with POST method.

template<basic_fixed_string Path, typename Handler>
static inline auto put(Handler &&handler)#

Create a new route with PUT method.

template<basic_fixed_string Path, typename Handler>
static inline auto patch(Handler &&handler)#

Create a new route with PATCH method.

template<basic_fixed_string Path, typename Handler>
static inline auto delete_(Handler &&handler)#

Create a new route with DELETE method.

template<basic_fixed_string Path, typename Handler>
static inline auto head(Handler &&handler)#

Create a new route with HEAD method.

template<basic_fixed_string Path, typename Handler>
static inline auto options(Handler &&handler)#

Create a new route with OPTIONS method.