class response#

class response#

A type representing server’s outgoing response.

Public Functions

inline auto status() const noexcept -> const http::status_code&#

Get HTTP status code.

inline auto version() const noexcept -> const http::version&#

Get HTTP version.

inline auto headers() const noexcept -> const http::header_map&#

Get HTTP headers.

inline auto body() noexcept -> any_body&#

Get body.

inline auto body() const noexcept -> const any_body&#

Get body.

inline auto builder() -> response_builder#

Create the builder for further modification.


Create the builder for further modification. Note that current object is no longer usable after calling this function.

Public Static Functions

static inline auto continue_() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto switching_protocols() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto processing() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto early_hints() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto ok() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto created() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto accepted() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto non_authoritative_information() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto no_content() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto reset_content() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto partial_content() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto multi_status() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto already_reported() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto im_used() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto multiple_choices() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto moved_permanently() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto found() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto see_other() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto not_modified() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto use_proxy() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto temporary_redirect() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto permanent_redirect() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto bad_request() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto unauthorized() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto payment_required() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto forbidden() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto not_found() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto method_not_allowed() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto not_acceptable() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto proxy_authentication_required() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto request_timeout() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto conflict() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto gone() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto length_required() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto precondition_failed() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto payload_too_large() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto uri_too_long() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto unsupported_media_type() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto range_not_satisfiable() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto expectation_failed() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto misdirected_request() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto unprocessable_entity() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto locked() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto failed_dependency() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto too_early() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto upgrade_required() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto precondition_required() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto too_many_requests() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto request_header_fields_too_large() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto internal_server_error() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto not_implemented() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto bad_gateway() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto service_unavailable() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto gateway_timeout() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto http_version_not_supported() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto variant_also_negotiates() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto insufficient_storage() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto loop_detected() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto not_extended() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.

static inline auto network_authentication_required() -> response_builder#

Construct a response_builder with specific HTTP status code.