class header::entity_tag
class entity_tag#
Provides parsing and serialization for dealing with HTTP header
.Public Functions
inline entity_tag(bool strong, std::string value)#
inline auto strong() const noexcept -> bool#
Check if the tag is strong validator or not (weak validador).
inline auto set_strong(bool b) & noexcept -> entity_tag&#
Set the tag to use strong validator or not (weak validator).
inline auto value() const noexcept -> const std::string&#
Get the tag value.
inline auto set_value(std::string value) & -> entity_tag&#
Set the tag value.
inline auto to_string() const -> std::string#
Serialize the tag to string.
inline auto weakly_equal_to(const entity_tag &other) const noexcept -> bool#
Compare with another tag only using the value of the tag.
Public Static Functions
static inline auto make_strong(std::string value) -> entity_tag#
Create an
with strong validator.
static inline auto make_weak(std::string value) -> entity_tag#
Create an
with weak validator.
static inline auto parse(std::string_view input) -> optional<entity_tag>#
Parse the string to an
friend auto operator==(const entity_tag&, const entity_tag&) -> bool = default#
Compare two
for equality.
inline entity_tag(bool strong, std::string value)#