class name_view#

class name_view#

A non-owning reference to a name or value of an MIME type. Provides case-insensitive comparison operators.

Public Functions

name_view() = default#

Default construct an empty name_view.

inline name_view(const char *s)#

Construct from a raw string.

inline name_view(std::string_view sv)#

Construct from a string view.

inline auto to_string() const -> std::string#

Convert to a string with lower-case ascii characters.

inline explicit operator std::string_view() const noexcept#

Return the underlying string_view.


inline friend auto operator==(const name_view &lhs, const name_view &rhs) -> bool#

Compare name_view s for equality.


Compare name_view s for equality. It’s considered equivalent if and only if the source of name_view s are case-insensitively equivalent.

inline friend auto operator==(const name_view &lhs, const std::string_view &rhs) -> bool#

Compare name_view ‘s equivalence against a string.


Compare name_view ‘s equivalence against a string. It’s considered equivalent if and only if the source of the name_view are case-insensitively equivalent to the string.

inline friend auto operator==(const name_view &lhs, const char *rhs) -> bool#

Compare name_view ‘s equivalence against a raw string.


Compare name_view ‘s equivalence against a raw string. It’s considered equivalent if and only if the source of the name_view are case-insensitively equivalent to the raw string.

inline friend auto operator<=>(const name_view &lhs, const name_view &rhs) -> std::strong_ordering#

Three-way compare name_view s lexicographically.


Three-way compare name_view s lexicographically. The comparison is performed case-insensitively.

inline friend auto operator<=>(const name_view &lhs, const std::string_view &rhs) -> std::strong_ordering#

Three-way compare name_view lexicographically against a string.


Three-way compare name_view lexicographically against a string. The comparison is performed case-insensitively.

inline friend auto operator<=>(const name_view &lhs, const char *rhs) -> std::strong_ordering#

Three-way compare name_view lexicographically against a raw string.


Three-way compare name_view lexicographically against a raw string. The comparison is performed case-insensitively.