class request#

class request#

A type representing client’s incoming request.

Public Functions

inline auto connection() const noexcept -> const connect_info&#

Get connection information.

inline auto path() const noexcept -> const path_info&#

Get path matching information

inline auto method() const noexcept -> http::verb#

Get HTTP method.

inline auto version() const noexcept -> const http::version&#

Get HTTP version.

inline auto query() const noexcept -> const query_map&#

Get query string.

inline auto headers() const noexcept -> const http::header_map&#

Get HTTP headers.

inline auto body() noexcept -> any_async_readable_stream&#

Get body.

inline auto body() const noexcept -> const any_async_readable_stream&#

Get body.

template<typename T>
inline auto state() const noexcept -> optional<T&>#

Get associated states.

inline auto builder() -> request_builder#

Create the builder for furthur modification.


Create the builder for furthur modification. Note that current object is no longer usable after calling this function.