
fitoria provides a way to share data between multiple route s under the same scope by configuring the data via scope::use_state(State&&).

State Example

namespace cache {
class simple_cache {
  using map_type = unordered_string_map<std::string>;

  optional<map_type::mapped_type> get(std::string_view key) const
    auto lock = std::shared_lock { mutex_ };
    if (auto it = map_.find(key); it != map_.end()) {
      return it->second;

    return nullopt;

  bool put(const std::string& key, std::string value)
    auto lock = std::unique_lock { mutex_ };
    return map_.insert_or_assign(key, std::move(value)).second;

  map_type map_;
  mutable std::shared_mutex mutex_;

using simple_cache_ptr = std::shared_ptr<simple_cache>;

auto put(const request& req) -> awaitable<response>
  auto key = req.path().get("key");
  auto value = req.path().get("value");
  if (!key || !value) {
    co_return response::bad_request().build();

  auto cache = req.state<simple_cache_ptr>();
  if (!cache) {
    co_return response::internal_server_error().build();

  if ((*cache)->put(*key, *value)) {
    co_return response::created().build();
  } else {
    co_return response::accepted().build();

auto get(const request& req) -> awaitable<response>
  auto key = req.path().get("key");
  if (!key) {
    co_return response::bad_request().build();

  auto cache = req.state<simple_cache_ptr>();
  if (!cache) {
    co_return response::internal_server_error().build();

  if (auto value = (*cache)->get(*key); value) {
    co_return response::ok()
        .set_header(http::field::content_type, mime::text_plain())
  } else {
    co_return response::not_found().build();


int main()
  auto cache = std::make_shared<cache::simple_cache_ptr>();

  auto ioc = net::io_context();
  auto server = http_server::builder(ioc)
  server.bind("", 8080);;